Tuesday 23 July 2013

Animation story board

I've done a step by step plan of how I'd like my animation to look. I have decided to against using a whiteboard and will be continuing my method on paper using pen and ink. 

Monday 22 July 2013

Including external objects.

I found a feather that I really reminded me of a leaf. I decided to try and encoorperate this into my animation and have it falling down from a tree..

It wasnt until after I'd animated it, I discovered that it just wouldnt cut it. Since I only had one leaf of one size, it was difficult to show perception, growth and even depth of the leaf as it fell from the tree. I dont think this attempt was successful in the end. 

Sunday 21 July 2013

Trying out a new media

One of my favourite practitioners Kristofer Strom, as I have mentioned previously in my blog, did an animation using stop motion and a white board. I thought it was very successful and thought I would try it out for myself.

I did a few practice runs.

I am not overly satisfied with the quality of drawing, although the white board gives me the freedom to rub away my previous drawings and detail, to perhaps change the form and position of a certain element in my animation, it also gives the drawings themselves a sloppy and less precise look than I wanted. 

I think I might stick to paper for my final animation. 

Saturday 20 July 2013

Fluid animation

I have been working on trying to make my animations movements a little more fluid and natural, as well as appearing to grow in a slightly make believe manner.

As my small test animations have become a little lengthier with a few more frames it seems that they wont upload on Blogger properly, I have used Vimeo to upload my animations.

I made a few attempt over a certain amount of time to try to improve on the fluid movement of my vines and trees.

First attempt

Second attempt

Third attempt

I can see that I have developed slightly in how my animation moves, and I am more satisfied with the results now.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Continuing my growing ideas

I think I like the growing idea, and I am working on progressing my ideas and concepts on paper ready for my final animation. 

For some reason this video won't play all of the frames so the animation is a little jumpy and my progression through out is unclear. 

The video will play fully within this link; 

Saturday 13 July 2013

Practicing motifs

I have demomnstrated some of the motifs I intend to use in my animation, I have done some super quick practices on flowers and vines that I'd like to include. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

Further developments

On my second animation attempt I decided to try and include more fluent movement (as fluent as possible to just get the idea across, by no means of finished product standard). I also tried to add in more detail such as blossoming flowers and growing branches etc. I like this attempt better than my last one, although I think for a full 30 second animation I may have to change the shape and direction to allow more room for the animation to flow and be added to. 

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Animation development

I made another vine, with a little more movement and detail, where the branches and leaves developed a little more. I also drew in a flower and had it blossoming slightly. Im more pleased with this one than the last.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Demonstrating my ideas

Having listened to my piece of music again, I still have my heart set on some form of growing and flowering movement for my animation.

Using an app called Vine, I have managed to put together small video clips on how I'd like my animation to look, and move and progress. 

Here's my first attempt at demonstrating my idea using stop motion. I began by drawing the start of my design, and then taking a recorded shot of it, then adding to it and carrying on shooting step by step. 
Im not really pleased with how this one looks, I'd like to develop it more with more detail and movement 

Sunday 7 July 2013


I found another animation by an artist called Blu, which also features stop motion animation. Just like Kristofer Strom, the animation is based on hand drawn/painted features, and how they move across different surfaces.

The animation begins by a brick falling from the wall and the character falling out of it. 

I love how the nature of stop motion and painting has made this white trail throughout the animation

The characters and features are easily manipulated into different things. This is how I'd like my animation to go. 

The artist then animates teeth that seem to 'gallop' from the wall and around the floor. I really like the exploration of different surfaces. 

All of the artists ideas seem to really flow into eachother so very easily and effortlessly. I intend to try and create a storyboard with a similar flow.

Kristofer Strom

Another animation artist I have always been quite fond of is Kristofer Strom. I particularly liked this animation because not only does it include cel animation, but also many other forms of media. It mainly entails a sketch book, and frame my frame, page by page, the image changes through out constantly. 

I have always loved Kristofer Strom's style of work, and this is something that I would really love to take inspiration from.