Thursday 31 January 2013

Developing my ideas further

 I have been sketching out some examples of ideas I have been having. I hit a little bit of a dead end so I decided to have a look at some more packaging ideas. 
I have a fairly strong idea of the direction and the look I would like to give to my piece, although I am perfectly aware that a little developement can only be beneficial. 

I have decided to go with negative space. I will draw a figure, as thisa is the topic I would like to focus on, and where the main focus should be (the dress), I will cut out of the design, this piece will then be layered onto a backdrop of patterned paper on another structure, a box for example.

I have done a few sketches in my sketchbook to demonstrate my ideas of negative space, however I think I'd like to change it to a more efficient concept.

I recently found a design company called "Jjaakk Design".
This company have designed bubblegum boxes, which I found quite interesting in context to my idea.

Fairly simple, coloured boxes, with cute designs of faces on the front.

Although these boxes have a sleeve, which when lifted, reveals a new design on the box. I think this is such a simple, yet a brilliantly effective idea.

I like the idea of having the flexibility of having several potential designs on a small space. I think this will be a brilliant idea to have one of my designs on the sleeve, and the cut out feature on the sleeve still showing through to the patterns box backdrop. 

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