Friday 18 January 2013

Peter Callesen

Since leaving one of the paper sculpture workshops recently, I have been inspired to look into artists who work with paper, making sculptures and forms using just that. 

My first stop within my research was an artist from Copenhagen called Peter  Callesen. I studied a number of his pieces and works, and I was amazed at the accuracy and attention to detail he has paid within each of his works

I thought that this particular piece was very clever, and a really simple reference toward the media he had worked in. The fact that the bird form is still attached to the paper it was cut from presents a very subtle hint of almost being brought to life, and captures the bird in flight at it's freeest form.

The detail in this picture on the skull is incredible. Im aware that while this is inspirational, it would be foolish of me to aspire to such perfection and detail in one of my pieces.

Another instance of cutting as form out of the paper and leaving it attached. I think this is a really effective method.

I really love this piece. It's really inspired me to try some cut out work, myself.

One idea I have for my own project is to base it on the human form & people, as this is a direction I really enjoy working in. Although I don't intend to feature anything as complex as a skeleton in my project I thought this piece was interesting and could perhaps serve as some inspirational use.

In conclusion, I have found Callesen's work to be extremely inspirational and I intend to try out some of his methods and ideas for myself..

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